Dubai Fairmont Hotel Dubai Fairmont Hotel Dubai Fairmont Hotel Dubai Fairmont Hotel Dubai Fairmont Hotel Dubai Fairmont Hotel Conference Room Dubai

"Big Data & High Performance Analytics Forum"

How Big Data can be used to drive Better Decisions?


Sunday April 28th, 2013

Big Data & High Performance Analytics Forum conference

at Fairmont Hotel, Sheikh Zayed Rd Dubai

08.30 - 09.10 Registration
09.10 Welcome Notes
Key Note Speaker
09.15 Driving Big Value from the Big Data Operations Architecture Aamer Ahmed Executive Director, SkyComputing Consortium
How Big Data & Business Analytics can be used to Drive Better Decisions?

Coordinator: Rahman Abdul Atif, Knowledge Manager
09.35 Big data and the nature of business decisions Madsen Mark Founder, Third Nature, Inc. U.S.A.
10.00 What Do Major Banks, Intelligence Agencies, and Oil Companies all have in Common? Speaker to be announced
10.15 Predicting Value Customers in Airline Miles Loyalty Programs Berengueres Ing Jose Ph.D Assistant Professor UAE University - Director UAE Medialab
10.30 - 11.10 Q-A Session
11.10 - 11.45 Networking - Coffee Break
Best Practices in Business Analytics by Industry Leaders

Coordinator: Rebaie Ali, Independent BI/BigData Analyst. Director of Data Science at Datoscala
11.45 Data Analysis: Road from reactive to proactive strategy Altaf Muhammad Enterprise Data Warehouse Lead, National Bank of Abu Dhabi
11.55 Banking Intelligence: applied Analytics to drive the link between Big Data and Decision Making Process Belhouari Adil A. Vice President, Analytics & Data mining - Riyad Bank
12.05 Big Data Best Practices: Harness Big Data for Deeper Customer Insight to Drive Profitability and Growth Zagorsky Victoria Consumer Insights Manager, Citibank UAE
12.15 - 12.40 Q-A Session
12.40 - 13.30 Networking - Lunch break
Apply Analytics to Improve Business Performance

Coordinator: Rahman Abdul Atif, Knowledge Manager
13.30 Customer segmentation & advanced social network analysis for getting the maximum of your customer base Tsiptsis Konstantinos CRM & Customer Intelligence Head at Eurobank
Internationally experienced Consultant & Speaker on Business Analytics
Author of the book: "Data Mining Techniques in CRM"
13.50 Telecom providers’ perspective of Big Data Samara Mohannad Group Strategy Director - Business Development, Etisalat Group
14.05 Technology, Social CRM and BIG Data: How Tourism benefits! Ahlemeyer-Stubbe Andrea Director Strategic Analytics at Draftfcb München, Germany
14.30 - 15.00 Q-A Session
15.00 - 16.00 Networking Reception
16.00 End of forum

The agenda is still in progress and the timetable may change